Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weird Cake

Okay, so I was trying to find to search for cake pictures for inspiration, but I had a brain fart moment and so I googled photo fish. Well this image came up to a hoax slayer website about the above image being a fish with legs and feet. In reality it is a type of salamander called an Axolotl. Rather than metamorphing into an adult salamander as most due, it stays in its larva stage (as seen above). Well the reason I clicked on the link in the first place is because I have ALWAYS thought this was one of the cutest creatures on earth! I first saw one in my Zoobooks magazine circa 1986 (now I'm dating myself). So I read on about keeping them in captivity etc, because I'm weird about animals that way. Anyhow, so I decided I would google the term Axolotl to see about where you might purchase one...guess what image appears next..........!

An Axolotl cake! Talk about coming full circle!
This type of coincidence thing happens all the time to me, so I was just curious if others experience this phenomena (and it doesn't have to be Google based only) frequently also, or if we really are in the Matrix!
Happy Baking All!

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