Friday, September 30, 2011

Pony Cake

I'm trying to be a little more consistent with my posts, so here is a pony cake I made for my niece a while back. I was instructed to use a Wilton cake pan mold, and then tediously pipe the frosting on. It took a LONG time! And my hands just aren't used to that kind of piping, so lots of breaks were needed to bring feeling back into my fingers! It turned out to be a cute cake and my niece loved it which was the most important thing!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tennis Cake

I realize I'm quite behind on maintaining this blog and my apologies to my small following! ;) I wanted to post up some pictures of the cake I made for my brother's 18th Birthday. He is a very smart and talented kid who is now in his first semester in college. He played tennis all through high school and was pretty good from what I hear....thus the tennis themed cake.
Just a few more angles to show a little detail of the top. I included a picture of him on the front as well. Hope you like!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Upcoming Tiger Cake

Here is a quick preview of the tiger cake!
As I was hand painting the stripes on this tiger, I became acutely aware of how intricate their stripes really are! I've still got some tweaking to do, but I will hopefully post the completed image soon!